A wide variety of club and interclub activities are available, suitable for all ages and abilities, ranging from club social tennis (Club Days, Doubles Leagues & Team Tennis) through to competitive interclub (Summer & Winter) grades.
Women who join on a Senior Membership are also entitled to participate in all Midweek Ladies events outlined on our website.
Coaching is included in senior membership – see below for further information for club coaching and/or additional coaching.
Summer Interclub
Played on Saturdays, starting at 12pm. Matches are every fortnight commencing mid-September finishing the following March. Names and teams for summer interclub need to be in by mid-August.
Competitions available
- Presidents Grade (age 30+) – Teams of 8 (4 Men, 4 Women), over 30yrs. Each player plays 2 matches – 1 mixed doubles and 1 Doubles. Matches commence at
- Singles Grade – Men or Womens teams consisting of 4 players. Each player plays 2 matches – 1 Singles and 1 Doubles. Matches commence at
- Super Tennis – Mens or Womens teams consisting of 4 players. Each player plays three doubles matches. Times could either be or
Winter Interclub
Played on Sundays at 10am. Matches are fortnightly commencing in June through to August. Teams need to be selected by Mid-May.
Competitions available:
- Mixed Teams consist of 8 players (4 Men 4 Women). No age restrictions. Each player plays 2 matches (1 Mixed, 1 Doubles).
- Single Teams consist of 4 players. Each player plays 2 matches (1 Singles, 1 doubles).
Doubles Leagues (not running currently)

Organised social play on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, run all year round during school terms. A new format and tournament for each term.
- Start time is 7pm and play is completed by 8.30pm (depending on round)
- Entry Fee:
- Suitable for any ability.
- New members welcome!
Senior Club Night/Morning
Played every Wednesday evening (all year round) starting at 7.30 pm and Thursday mornings starting at 9.30am. Open to all Senior and Junior/Intermediate members who either play Senior Interclub or are aged 15 years or older.
- No entry is required – just turn up and join in.
- Social matches are organised depending on numbers attending each night and can include a combination of singles, mixed doubles, mens doubles, and womens doubles.
- All abilities catered for!
- New members welcome!
Club Champs

- Mens and Womens Singles
- Mens and Womens Doubles
- Mixed Doubles
These are open to all Senior members and Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles is open to Juniors who play Senior interclub.
See Events Calendar or Club Notice board for specific dates.
For more information contact: Lorena Ennor (Club Captain) on her mobile 027-285-9093
Fun Tournaments & Social Events
The club runs a number of fun tournaments and social events throughout the year.
Watch the Events Calendar or the Noticeboard for details of upcoming events
Golf Days, Sport on the Big Screen, Wimbledon Fun Tournament, etc. etc.
Senior memberships include participation in “member only” coaching sessions which are held over the course of the membership season.
Members will be advised by email when these sessions occur.
Senior Club Coaching is available throughout the year as part of your membership.
Click here for details of additional coaching options available or by contacting our coaches.
COACHES: Marcel Thorpe (mobile 021-0230-5676)